The Farm “La Capezzagna” owned by Mauro Lovato finds itself between two little towns in the area of Chieti, Ripa Teatina and Miglianico. It is extended for 15 hectares through the hills, at an altitude up to 150 meters above sea level, 7 km from the coast and 25 km from the mountain.
The location has a mild weather, which allows the growing of vegetables, grains, and fruits and especially vines and olive trees. The vineyard specialized in the growth of peculiar grapes for vinification runs through 12,5 hectares of land, with 1600-4444 plants for hectare.
The vineyards are mostly espalier. The cultivated varieties consist mainly of Montepulciano of Abruzzo RDO, followed by Trebbiano RDO and by TGO Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Fiano, Shiraz, Merlot, Pinot Grigio e Pecorino.
Olive trees grove occupy a 2 hectares surface and Leccino is the most cultivated variety.
Included in the farm are areas dedicated to horticulture and fruit growing for both personal and agricultural use.
We practice the agronomic procedure of integrated production, with the technique of “sexual confusion”. Therefore since 2003 no insecticides have been used on our plots.
An organization certified by the Ministry of Agriculture controls the agronomic procedures for the defense of plant diseases.
Produce from the garden and the orchard are used in our restaurant.